
Framework for parsers


To add a new parser, simply create a new .py-file which defines a class inheriting from parsers.Parser. The class needs to be decorated with the midgard.dev.plugins.register decorator as follows:

from midgard.parsers import parser
from midgard.lib import plugins

class MyNewParser(parser.Parser):

To use a parser, you will typically use the parse_file-function defined below

from midgard import parsers
my_new_parser = parsers.parse_file('my_new_parser', 'file_name.txt', ...)
my_data = my_new_parser.as_dict()

The name used in parse_file to call the parser is the name of the module (file) containing the parser.


Full name: midgard.parsers.names

Signature: () -> List[str]

List the names of the available parsers


Names of the available parsers


Full name: midgard.parsers.parse_file

Signature: (parser_name: str, file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, timer_logger: Optional[Callable[[str], NoneType]] = None, use_cache: bool = False, **parser_args: Any) -> midgard.parsers._parser.Parser

Use the given parser on a file and return parsed data

Specify parser_name and file_path to the file that should be parsed. The following parsers are available:


Data can be retrieved either as Dictionaries, Pandas DataFrames or Midgard Datasets by using one of the methods as_dict, as_dataframe or as_dataset.


>>> df = parse_file('rinex2_obs', 'ande3160.16o').as_dataframe()  # doctest: +SKIP


  • parser_name: Name of parser
  • file_path: Path to file that should be parsed.
  • encoding: Encoding in file that is parsed.
  • timer_logger: Logging function that will be used to log timing information.
  • use_cache: Whether to use a cache to avoid parsing the same file several times. (TODO: implement this)
  • parser_args: Input arguments to the parser


  • Parser: Parser with the parsed data


Basic functionality for parsing datafiles, extended by individual parsers


This module contains functions and classes for parsing datafiles. It should typically be used by calling parsers.parse_file:


from midgard import parsers
my_new_parser = parsers.parse_file('my_new_parser', 'file_name.txt', ...)
my_data = my_new_parser.as_dict()


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser.Parser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

An abstract base class that has basic methods for parsing a datafile

This class provides functionality for parsing a file. You should inherit from one of the specific parsers like for instance ChainParser, LineParser, SinexParser etc


data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...).


Basic functionality for parsing datafiles line by line


This module contains functions and classes for parsing datafiles.


from midgard import parsers
my_new_parser = parsers.parse_file('my_new_parser', 'file_name.txt', ...)
my_data = my_new_parser.as_dict()


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_chain.ChainParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

An abstract base class that has basic methods for parsing a datafile

This class provides functionality for parsing a file with chained groups of information. You should inherit from this one, and at least specify the necessary parameters in setup_parser.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_chain.ParserDef

Signature: (end_marker: Callable[[str, int, str], bool], label: Callable[[str, int], Any], parser_def: Dict[Any, Dict[str, Any]], skip_line: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None, end_callback: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], NoneType]] = None)

A convenience class for defining the necessary fields of a parser

A single parser can read and parse one group of datalines, defined through the ParserDef by specifying how to parse each line (parser_def), how to identify each line (label), how to recognize the end of the group of lines (end_marker) and finally what (if anything) should be done after all lines in a group is read (end_callback).

The end_marker, label, skip_line and end_callback parameters should all be functions with the following signatures:

end_marker   = func(line, line_num, next_line)
label        = func(line, line_num)
skip_line    = func(line)
end_callback = func(cache)

The parser definition parser_def includes the parser, field, strip and delimiter entries. The parser entry points to the parser function and the field entry defines how to separate the line in fields. The separated fields are saved either in a dictionary or in a list. In the last case the line is split on whitespace by default. With the delimiter entry the default definition can be overwritten, whereby also regular expressions can be used (like '\s+' for remove whitespaces. Leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed by default before a line is parsed. This default can be overwritten by defining the characters, which should be removed with the 'strip' entry. The parser dictionary is defined like:

parser_def = { <label>: {'fields':    <dict or list of fields>,
                         'parser':    <parser function>,
                         'delimiter': <optional delimiter for splitting line>,
                         'strip':     <optional characters to be removed from beginning and end of line>


  • end_marker: A function returning True for the last line in a group.
  • label: A function returning a label used in the parser_def.
  • parser_def: A dict with 'parser' and 'fields' defining the parser.
  • skip_line: A function returning True if the line should be skipped.
  • end_callback: A function called after reading all lines in a group.


Basic functionality for parsing datafiles line by line using Numpy


This module contains functions and classes for parsing datafiles.


from midgard import parsers
my_new_parser = parsers.parse_file('my_new_parser', 'file_name.txt', ...)
my_data = my_new_parser.as_dict()


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_line.LineParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

An abstract base class that has basic methods for parsing a datafile

This class provides functionality for using numpy to parse a file line by line. You should inherit from this one, and at least specify the necessary parameters in setup_parser.


Basic functionality for parsing Rinex files


This module contains functions and classes for parsing Rinex files.

This file defines the general structure shared by most types of Rinex files, including header information. More specific format details are implemented in subclasses. When calling the parser, you should call the apropriate parser for a given Rinex format.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.RinexHeader

Signature: (marker: str, fields: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]], parser: Callable[[Dict[str, str]], Dict[str, Any]])

A convenience class for defining how a Rinex header is parsed


  • marker: Marker of header (as defined in columns 60 and onward).
  • fields: Dictionary with field names as keys, tuple of start- and end-columns as value.
  • parser: Function that will parse the fields.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.RinexParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

An abstract base class that has basic methods for parsing a datafile

This class provides functionality for reading Rinex header data. You should inherit from this one, and at least implement parse_epochs.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.parser_cache

Signature: (func: Callable[[ForwardRef('RinexParser'), Dict[str, str], List[Dict[str, str]]], Dict[str, Any]]) -> Callable[[ForwardRef('RinexParser'), Dict[str, str]], Dict[str, Any]]

Decorator for adding a cache to parser functions


Basic functionality for parsing Sinex datafiles


This module contains functions and classes for parsing Sinex datafiles.


  • SINEX Format: https://www.iers.org/IERS/EN/Organization/AnalysisCoordinator/SinexFormat/sinex.html


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_sinex.SinexBlock

Signature: (marker: str, fields: Tuple[midgard.parsers._parser_sinex.SinexField, ...], parser: Callable[[<built-in function array>, Tuple[str, ...]], Dict[str, Any]])

A convenience class for defining a Sinex block


  • marker: Sinex marker denoting the block.
  • fields: Fields in Sinex block.
  • parser: Function used to parse the data.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_sinex.SinexField

Signature: (name: str, start_col: int, dtype: Optional[str], converter: Optional[str] = None)

A convenience class for defining the fields in a Sinex block


  • name: Name of field.
  • start_col: Starting column of field (First column is 0)
  • dtype: String, using numpy notation, defining type of field, use None to ignore field.
  • converter: Optional, name of converter to apply to field data.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_sinex.SinexParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, header: bool = True) -> None

An abstract base class that has basic methods for parsing a Sinex file

This class provides functionality for parsing a sinex file with chained groups of information. You should inherit from this one, and at least specify which Sinex blocks you are interested in by implementing setup_parser, as well as implement methods that parse each block if needed.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_sinex.parsing_factory

Signature: () -> Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]]

Create a default parsing function for a Sinex block

The default parsing function returns a dictionary containing all fields of the block as separated arrays. This will be stored in self.data['{marker}'] with the {marker} of the current block.


Simple parsing function for one Sinex block.


Full name: midgard.parsers._parser_sinex.parsing_matrix_factory

Signature: (marker: str, size_marker: str) -> Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]]

Create a parsing function for parsing a matrix within a Sinex block

The default parsing function converts data to a symmetric matrix and stores it inside self.data[marker].

The size of the matrix is set to equal the number of parameters in the size_marker-block. If that block is not parsed/found. The size is set to the last given row index. If some zero elements in the matrix are omitted this might be wrong.


  • marker: Marker of Sinex block.
  • size_marker: Marker of a different Sinex block indicating the size of the matrix.


Simple parsing function for one Sinex block.


A parser for reading ANTEX format 1.4 data


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='antex', file_path='igs14.atx')

# Get dictionary with parsed data
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in the GNSS Antenna Exchange (ANTEX) file format version 1.4 (see :cite:antex).


Full name: midgard.parsers.antex.AntexParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading ANTEX file

The parser reads GNSS ANTEX format 1.4 (see :cite:antex).

The 'data' attribute is a dictionary with GNSS satellite PRN or receiver antenna as key. The GNSS satellite antenna corrections are time dependent and saved with "valid from" datetime object entry. The dictionary looks like:

dout = { <prn> : { <valid from>: { cospar_id:   <value>,
                                   sat_code:    <value>,
                                   sat_type:    <value>,
                                   valid_until: <value>,
                                   azimuth:     <list with azimuth values>,
                                   elevation:   <list with elevation values>,
                                   <frequency>: { azi: [<list with azimuth-elevation dependent corrections>],
                                                  neu: [north, east, up],
                                                  noazi: [<list with elevation dependent corrections>] }}},

         <receiver antenna> : { azimuth:     <list with azimuth values>,
                                elevation:   <list with elevation values>,
                                <frequency>: { azi: [<array with azimuth-elevation dependent corrections>],
                                               neu: [north, east, up],
                                               noazi: [<list with elevation dependent corrections>] }}}

with following entries:

Value Type Description
azi numpy.ndarray Array with azimuth-elevation dependent antenna correction in [mm] with
the shape: number of azimuth values x number of elevation values.
azimuth numpy.ndarray List with azimuth values in [rad] corresponding to antenna corrections
given in azi.
cospar_id str COSPAR ID : yyyy -> year when the satellite was put in
orbit, xxx -> sequential satellite number for that year, a -> alpha
numeric sequence number within a launch
elevation numpy.ndarray List with elevation values in [rad] corresponding to antenna
corrections given in azi or noazi.
str Frequency identifier (e.g. G01 - GPS L1)
neu list North, East and Up eccentricities in [m]. The eccentricities of the
mean antenna phase center is given relative to the antenna reference
point (ARP) for receiver antennas or to the center of mass of the
satellite in X-, Y- and Z-direction.
noazi numpy.ndarray List with elevation dependent (non-azimuth-dependent) antenna
correction in [mm].
str Satellite code e.g. GPS PRN, GLONASS slot or Galileo SVID number
str Receiver antenna name together with radome code
sat_code str Satellite code e.g. GPS SVN, GLONASS number or Galileo GSAT number
sat_type str Satellite type (e.g. BLOCK IIA)
valid_from datetime.datetime Start of validity period of satellite in GPS time
valid_until datetime.datetime End of validity period of satellite in GPS time

The 'meta' attribute is a dictionary with following entries:

Value Type Description
comment list Header commments given in list line by line
pcv_type str Phase center variation type
ref_antenna str Reference antenna type for relative antenna
ref_serial_num str Serial number of the reference antenna
sat_sys str Satellite system
version str Format version


  • data: (dict), Contains the (observation) data read from file.
  • data_available: (bool), Indicator of whether data are available.
  • file_path: (pathlib.Path), File path.
  • parser_name: (str), Parser name.
  • meta: (dict), Contains metainformation read from file.


A parser for reading Anubis xtr-files


Full name: midgard.parsers.anubis.AnubisXtrParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Anubis XTR files


A parser for reading water level data from open Norwegian water level API


from datetime import datetime
from midgard import parsers

# XML file with water level data exists
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='api_water_level_norway', file_path='api_water_level_norway')
data = p.as_dict()

# Water level data has to be downloaded from API
p = parsers.parse_file(
data = p.as_dict()


See https://api.sehavniva.no/tideapi_no.html for an example


Full name: midgard.parsers.api_water_level_norway.ApiWaterLevelNorwayParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, latitude: Optional[float] = None, longitude: Optional[float] = None, from_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, to_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, reference_level: Optional[str] = 'chart_datum') -> None

A parser for reading water level data from open Norwegian water level API

See https://api.sehavniva.no/tideapi_no.html for an example

Following data are available after water level data:

Parameter Description
flag Data flag (obs: observation, pre: prediction, weather: weather effect, forecast:
time Observation
water_level Water level in [cm]

and meta-data:

Key Description
data_path File path
parser_name Parser name
url URL of water level API


A parser for reading DLR BCEcmp Software SISRE output files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bcecmp_sisre', file_path='BCEcmp_GAL_FNAV_E1E5A_com_2018_032.OUT')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in the BCEcmp Software output file format. The BCEcmp Software is developed and used by DLR.


Full name: midgard.parsers.bcecmp_sisre.BcecmpParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading DLR BCEcmp Software output files.

The following data are available after reading BCEcmp Software output file:

Key Description
age_min age of ephemeris in [min]
clk_diff_with_dt_mean Satellite clock correction difference corrected for average satellite clock offset
difference for given GNSS and epoch in [m]
dalong_track Along-track orbit difference in [m]
dcross_track Cross-track orbit difference in [m]
dradial Radial orbit difference in [m]
dradial_wul Worst-user-location (wul) SISRE?
satellite Satellite PRN number together with GNSS identifier (e.g. G07)
sisre Signal-in-space range error [m]
time Observation time
used_iodc GPS: IODC (Clock issue of data indicates changes (set equal to IODE))
used_iode Ephemeris issue of data indicates changes to the broadcast ephemeris:
- GPS: Ephemeris issue of data (IODE), which is set equal to IODC
- Galileo: Issue of Data of the NAV batch (IODnav)
- QZSS: Ephemeris issue of data (IODE)
- BeiDou: Age of Data Ephemeris (AODE)
- IRNSS: Issue of Data, Ephemeris and Clock (IODEC)

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading Bernese CLU file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_clu', file_path='NOR_NKG.CLU')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Bernese CLU format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_clu.BerneseCluParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Bernese CLU file

Following data are available after reading Bernese CLU file:

Parameter Description
station 4-digit station identifier
domes Domes number
cluster Cluster number

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading coordinate comparison in Bernese OUT format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_compar_out', file_path='COMP211670.OUT')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads coordinate comparison data from files in OUT format


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_compar_out.BerneseComparOutParser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any])

A parser for reading coordinate comparison in Bernese OUT format

The parsed data are saved in variable data as a dictionay with 4-digit station name as key. The station related data are saved in a dictionary with following keys:

Key Type Description
coord_comp_east List[float] List with daily station coordinate comparison results for East
component in [m]
coord_comp_north List[float] List with daily station coordinate comparison results for North
component in [m]
coord_comp_up List[float] List with daily station coordinate comparison results for Up
component in [m]
coord_comp_rms_east float List with daily station coordinate comparison results for East
component in [m]
coord_comp_rms_north float List with daily station coordinate comparison results for North
component in [m]
coord_comp_rms_up float List with daily station coordinate comparison results for Up
component in [m]
pos_mean_x float X-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_x_rms1 float RMS1 of X-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_x_rms2 float RMS2 of X-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_y float Y-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_y_rms1 float RMS1 of Y-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_y_rms2 float RMS2 of Y-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_z float Z-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_z_rms1 float RMS1 of Z-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_z_rms2 float RMS2 of Z-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]

and meta-data:

Key Description
num_coord_files Number of coordinate files used for analysis
time Date of analysis session
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading Bernese CRD file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_crd', file_path='W20216.CRD')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Bernese CRD format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_crd.BerneseCrdParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Bernese CRD file

Following data are available after reading Bernese CRD file:

Parameter Description
num Number of station coordinate solution
station 4-digit station identifier
domes Domes number
gpssec Seconds of GPS week
pos_x X-coordinate of station position
pos_y Y-coordinate of station position
pos_z Z-coordinate of station position
flag Flag

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__params__ np.genfromtxt parameters
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading protocol file in Bernese PRC format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_prc', file_path='RES211670.PRC')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in PRC format


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_prc.BernesePrcParser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any])

A parser for reading protocol file in Bernese PRC format

The parsed data are saved in variable data as a dictionay with 4-digit station name as key. The station related data are saved in a dictionary with following keys:

Key Type Description
coord_comp_east List[float] List with daily station coordinate comparison results for East
component in [m]
coord_comp_north List[float] List with daily station coordinate comparison results for North
component in [m]
coord_comp_up List[float] List with daily station coordinate comparison results for Up
component in [m]
coord_comp_rms_east float List with daily station coordinate comparison results for East
component in [m]
coord_comp_rms_north float List with daily station coordinate comparison results for North
component in [m]
coord_comp_rms_up float List with daily station coordinate comparison results for Up
component in [m]
num_of_days float Number of days used for analysis
pos_mean_x float X-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_x_rms1 float RMS1 of X-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_x_rms2 float RMS2 of X-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_y float Y-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_y_rms1 float RMS1 of Y-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_y_rms2 float RMS2 of Y-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_z float Z-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_z_rms1 float RMS1 of Z-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
pos_mean_z_rms2 float RMS2 of Z-coordinate of mean station coordinate position in [m]
repeatability_east float Station coordinate repeatability for East component in [m]
repeatability_north float Station coordinate repeatability for North component in [m]
repeatability_up float Station coordinate repeatability for Up component in [m]
residual_east float Station residuals for East component in [m]
residual_north float Station residuals for North component in [m]
residual_up float Station residuals for Up component in [m]

and meta-data:

Key Description
num_coord_files Number of coordinate files used for analysis
time Date of analysis session
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading Bernese SLR PLT file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_slr_plt', file_path='SLR_20232580.PLT')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Bernese PLT format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_slr_plt.BerneseSlrPltParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Bernese SLR PLT file

Following data are available after reading Bernese PLT file:

Parameter Description
station 4-digit station identifier
domes domes number, e.g. 50107M001
sat_prn satellite, e.g. E18
epoch mjd of observation
residual observation residual (mm)
azi azimuth (deg)
ele elevation (deg)

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__params__ np.genfromtxt parameters
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading station information in Bernese STA format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_sta', file_path='NKG.STA')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads station information from files in STA format, whereby at the moment only the 'STATION INFORMATION' part is parsed.


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_sta.BerneseStaParser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any])

A parser for reading station information in Bernese STA format

The parsed data are saved in variable data as a dictionay with 4-digit station name as key and a list with station information dictionaries with following entries:

Key Type Description
antenna_serial_number str Antenna serial number
antenna_serial_number_short str 6 last digits of antennna serial number
antenna_type str Antenna type
date_from datetime Start date where station information is valid
date_to datetime End date of station information
domes str Domes number
description str Description normally with station name and country code
eccentricity_east float East component of eccentricity in [m]
eccentricity_north float North component of eccentricity in [m]
eccentricity_up float Up component of eccentricity in [m]
flag str Flag number
radome str Antenna radome type
receiver_serial_number str Receiver serial number
receiver_serial_number_short str 6 last digits of receiver serial number
receiver_type str Receiver type
remark str Remark

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading troposphere files in Bernese TRP format


from analyx import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='bernese_trp', file_path='F1_210300.TRP')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files troposphere files in TRP format


Full name: midgard.parsers.bernese_trp.BerneseTrpPaser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading troposphere files in Bernese TRP format

Following data can be available after reading troposphere files in Bernese TRP file:

Key Description

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__params__ np.genfromtxt parameters
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading COST format for ground-based GNSS delay and water vapour data


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="cost", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads data from files in the COST file format 2.2a (see :cite:cost).


Full name: midgard.parsers.cost.CostParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading COST datan file

The parser reads ground-based GNSS delay and water vapour data in COST format version 2.2a.


data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...).

UNIT_DEF (dict)

UNIT_DEF = {'height_geoid': UnitField(from_='meter', to_='meter'), 'humidity': UnitField(from_='', to_=''), 'iwv': UnitField(from_='kilogram/meter**2', to_='kilogram/meter**2'), 'pressure': UnitField(from_='hectopascal', to_='pascal'), 'temperature': UnitField(from_='kelvin', to_='kelvin'), 'trop_gradient_east': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter'), 'trop_gradient_east_sigma': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter'), 'trop_gradient_north': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter'), 'trop_gradient_north_sigma': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter'), 'trop_zenith_total': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter'), 'trop_zenith_total_sigma': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter'), 'trop_zenith_wet': UnitField(from_='millimeter', to_='meter')}


Full name: midgard.parsers.cost.UnitField

Signature: (from_=None, to_=None)

A convenience class for defining a COST units of fields


from (str): Original field unit to (str): Destination field unit


A parser for reading CSV output files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='csv_', file_path='ADOP20473_0000.csv')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in CSV output format. The header information of the CSV file is not read (TODO).


Full name: midgard.parsers.csv_.CsvParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading CSV output files

The CSV data header line is used to define the keys of the data dictionary. The values of the data dictionary are represented by the CSV colum values.

Following meta-data are available after reading of CSV file:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading Galileo constellation info from a web page

See https://www.gsc-europa.eu/system-status/Constellation-Information for an example


Full name: midgard.parsers.galileo_constellation_html.GalileoConstellationHTMLParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Galileo constellation info from a web page

See https://www.gsc-europa.eu/system-status/Constellation-Information for an example


A parser for reading Gamit ORG files


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="gamit_org", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads the output file of Gamit.

Example header from wich the time information is read from the .org file

GLOBK Ver 5.34, Global solution

Solution commenced with: 2022/ 6/22 0: 0 (2022.4712) Solution ended with : 2022/ 6/22 23:59 (2022.4740) Solution refers to : 2022/ 6/22 11:59 (2022.4726) [Seconds tag 45.000] Satellite IC epoch : 2022/ 6/22 12: 0 0.00

Example lines to be read from the .org file

REYK_JPS X coordinate  (m)          2587383.93370     -0.01703      0.00446

REYK_JPS Y coordinate  (m)         -1043033.57942     -0.04451      0.00404

REYK_JPS Z coordinate  (m)          5716564.17515      0.00474      0.00947


Full name: midgard.parsers.gamit_org.GamitOrgParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading gamit org file


data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...). system (String): GNSS identifier.

Methods: as_dataset() Return the parsed data as a Midgard Dataset parse() Parse data setup_parser() Set up information needed for the parser

_parse_time()                 Parse a line of time information
_parse_station()              Parse a line of station information


A parser for reading NASA JPL Gipsy stacov format file

stacov format file includes Gipsy estimates and covariance information.


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsy_stacov', file_path='stacov_final')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Gipsy stacov format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsy_stacov.GipsyStacovParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Gipsy stacov format file

Following data are available after reading Gipsy stacov output file:

Key Description
correlation Correlation values
correlation_index1 Correlation index (1st column)
correlation_index2 Correlation index (2nd column)
estimate Parameter estimate at the given time
estimate_index Estimate index
parameter Parameter name. An arbitrary sequence of letters [A-Z,a-z], digits[0-9], and "."
without spaces.
row Row number of correlations
station Station name.
sigma Standard deviation of the parameter.
time_past_j2000 Time given in GPS seconds past J2000, whereby GipsyX uses following definition:
J2000 is continuous seconds past Jan. 1, 2000 11:59:47 UTC.

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading Gipsy summary output file (*.sum)


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsy_sum', file_path='gipsy_sum')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Gipsy summary output format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsy_sum.GipsySummary

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Gipsy summary output file (*.sum)

Gipsy summary file data are grouped as follows:

Key Description
date Processing date
residual Dictionary with residual summary information
station Station name

residual entries are:

Key Description
code_obs_num Number of used pseudo-range observations
code_outlier_num Number of rejected pseudo-range observations
code_residual_rms RMS of residuals from used pseudo-range observations in [m]
phase_obs_num Number of used phase observations
phase_outlier_num Number of rejected phase observations
phase_residual_rms RMS of residuals from used phase observations in [m]

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading NASA JPL Gipsy time dependent parameter (TDP) file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsy_tdp', file_path='final.tdp')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Gipsy time dependent parameter (TDP) format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsy_tdp.DatasetField

Signature: (name=None, dtype=None)

A convenience class for defining a dataset field properties


name (str): Dataset field name dtype (str): Dataset data type


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsy_tdp.GipsyTdpParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Gipsy time dependent parameter (TDP) file

Following data are available after reading Gipsy TDP output file:

Key Description
apriori Nominal value. This field contains the last value used by the model.
name Parameter name.
sigma The sigma associated with the value of the parameter. A negative value indicates it
should be used for interpolation by the file reader read_time_variation in
$GOA/libsrc/time_variation. If no sigmas are computed by the smapper, a 1.0 will be
placed here.
time_past_j2000 Time given in GPS seconds past J2000.
value Accumulated value of the parameter at time and includes any nominal, or iterative
correction. This is the only entry used by the model.

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading NASA JPL GipsyX gdcov format file

gdcov format file includes GipsyX estimates and covariance information.

NOTE: At the moment this parser can only read station estimate and covariance information, that means STA.X, STA.Y and STA.Z parameters.


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsyx_gdcov', file_path='smoothFinal.gdcov')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GipsyX gdcov format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsyx_gdcov.GipsyxGdcovParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GipsyX gdcov format file

Following data are available after reading GipsyX gdcov output file:

Key Description
correlation Correlation values
correlation_index1 Correlation index (1st column)
correlation_index2 Correlation index (2nd column)
estimate Parameter estimate at the given time
estimate_index Estimate index
parameter Parameter name. An arbitrary sequence of letters [A-Z,a-z], digits[0-9], and "."
without spaces.
row Row number of correlations
station Station name.
sigma Standard deviation of the parameter.
time_past_j2000 Time given in GPS seconds past J2000, whereby GipsyX uses following definition:
J2000 is continuous seconds past Jan. 1, 2000 11:59:47 UTC.

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading NASA JPL GipsyX residual file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsyx_residual', file_path='finalResiduals.out')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GipsyX residual format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsyx_residual.GipsyxResidualParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GipsyX residual file

Following data are available after reading GipsyX residual output file:

Key Description
azimuth Azimuth from receiver
azimuth_sat Azimuth from satellite
data_type Data type (e.g. IonoFreeC_1P_2P, IonoFreeL_1P_2P)
deleted Residuals are deleted, marked with True or False.
elevation Elevation from receiver
elevation_sat Elevation from satellite
residual Post-fit residual
satellite Satellite name
station Station name
time_past_j2000 Time given in GPS seconds past J2000, whereby GipsyX uses following definition:
J2000 is continuous seconds past Jan. 1, 2000 11:59:47 UTC.

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading NASA JPL GipsyX timeseries file


from analyx import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsyx_series', file_path='NYA1.series')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GipsyX timeseries format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsyx_series.GipsyxSeriesParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GipsyX timeseries file

Following data are available after reading GipsyX residual output file:

Key Description
corr_en Correlation East-North.
corr_ev Correlation East-Vertical.
corr_nv Correlation North-Vertical.
day Day
decimalyear Date in unit year.
east East coordinate in [m].
east_sigma Standard devication of east coordinate in [m].
hour Hour
minute Minute
month Month
north North coordinate in [m].
north_sigma Standard devication of north coordinate in [m].
second Second
time_past_j2000 Time given in GPS seconds past J2000, whereby GipsyX uses following definition:
J2000 is continuous seconds past Jan. 1, 2000 11:59:47 UTC.
vertical Vertical coordinate in [m].
vertical_sigma Standard devication of vertical coordinate in [m].
year Year

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading GipsyX summary output file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsyx_summary', file_path='gipsyx_summary')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GipsyX summary output format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsyx_summary.GipsyxSummary

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GipsyX summary file

GipsyX summary file data are grouped as follows:

Key Description
position Dictionary with position summary information
residual Dictionary with residual summary information
station Station name

position entries are:

Key Description
pos_x X-coordinate of station position solution
pos_y Y-coordinate of station position solution
pos_z Z-coordinate of station position solution
pos_vs_ref_x X-coordinate of difference between solution and reference of station coordinate
pos_vs_ref_y Y-coordinate of difference between solution and reference of station coordinate
pos_vs_ref_z Z-coordinate of difference between solution and reference of station coordinate
pos_vs_ref_e East-coordinate of difference between solution and reference of station coordinate
pos_vs_ref_n North-coordinate of difference between solution and reference of station coordinate
pos_vs_ref_v Vertical-coordinate of difference between solution and reference of station

residual entries are:

Key Description
code_obs_num Number of used pseudo-range observations
code_residual_max Maximal residual of used pseudo-range observations
code_residual_min Minimal residual of used pseudo-range observations
code_residual_rms RMS of residuals from used pseudo-range observations
code_outlier_max Maximal residual of rejected pseudo-range observations
code_outlier_min Minimal residual of rejected pseudo-range observations
code_outlier_num Number of rejected pseudo-range observations
code_outlier_rms RMS of residuals from rejected pseudo-range observations
phase_obs_num Number of used phase observations
phase_residual_min Minimal residual of used phase observations
phase_residual_max Maximal residual of used phase observations
phase_residual_rms RMS of residuals from used phase observations
phase_outlier_max Maximal residual of rejected phase observations
phase_outlier_min Minimal residual of rejected phase observations
phase_outlier_num Number of rejected phase observations
phase_outlier_rms RMS of residuals from rejected phase observations

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading NASA JPL GipsyX time dependent parameter (TDP) file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gipsyx_tdp', file_path='final.tdp')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GipsyX time dependent parameter (TDP) format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsyx_tdp.DatasetField

Signature: (name=None, category=None, dtype=None)

A convenience class for defining a dataset field properties


name (str): Dataset field name category (str): Category of parameter (e.g. station or satellite parameter) dtype (str): Dataset data type


Full name: midgard.parsers.gipsyx_tdp.GipsyxTdpParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GipsyX time dependent parameter (TDP) file

Following data are available after reading GipsyX TDP output file:

Key Description
apriori Nominal value. This field contains the last value used by the model.
name Parameter name. An arbitrary sequence of letters [A-Z,a-z], digits[0-9], and "."
without spaces.
sigma Standard deviation of the parameter.
time_past_j2000 Time given in GPS seconds past J2000, whereby GipsyX uses following definition:
J2000 is continuous seconds past Jan. 1, 2000 11:59:47 UTC.
value Parameter value at the given time

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading gLAB output files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='glab_output', file_path='glab_output.txt')
data = p.as_dict()



Full name: midgard.parsers.glab_output.GlabOutputParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading gLAB output files

The keys of the data dictionary are defined depending, which kind of gLAB output file is read. The values of the data dictionary are represented by the gLAB colum values.

Following meta-data are available after reading of gLAB files:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading GNSS raw data from GnssLogger Android App


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="gnss_android_raw_data", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads raw data file from GnssLogger Android App.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gnss_android_raw_data.GnssAndroidRawDataParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None


A parser for GALAT single point positioning result files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gnss_galat_results', file_path='galat_results.txt')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GALAT result format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.gnss_galat_results.GalatResults

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GALAT single point positioning result files

Following data are available after reading GALAT SPP result file:

Key Description
time Time epoch
latitude Latitude in degree
longitude Longitude in degree
height Height in [m]
dlatitude Latitude related to reference coordinate in [m]
dlongitude Longitude related to reference coordinate in [m]
dheight Height related to reference coordinate in [m]
hpe Horizontal positioning error (HPE) in [m]
vpe Vertical positioning error (VPE) in [m]
site_vel_3d 3D site velocity in [m/s]
pdop Precision dilution of precision
num_satellite_available Number of available satellites
num_satellite_used Number of used satellites

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__params__ np.genfromtxt parameters
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading GNSSREFL reflector height timeseries files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='gnssrefl_allrh', file_path='tgde_allRH.txt')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in GNSSREFL reflector height timeseries files


Full name: midgard.parsers.gnssrefl_allrh.GnssreflAllRh

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GNSSREFL reflector height timeseries files

Following data are available after reading Terrapos residual file:

Parameter Description
amplitude Amplitude
azimuth Azimuth in [deg]
frequency GNSS frequency identifier
peak2noise Peak to noise
reflection_height Reflection height in [m]
satellite Satellite number
time Time as datetime object

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading GRAVSOFT grid text files

Description: GRAVSOFT grid data are stored rowwise from north to south. The grid values are initiated with label of latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) limits and spacing followed by the data section like:

lat1 lat2 lon1 lon2 dlat dlon

dn1  dn2 ... dnm
d11  d12 ... d1m

The grid label defines the exact latitude and longitude of the grid points with:

lat1: west boundary of latitude
lat2: east boundary of latitude
lon1: west boundary of longitude
lon2: east boundary of longitude
dlat: latitude grid spacing
dlon: longitude grid spacing

The first data value in a grid file is thus the NW-corner (lat2, lon1) and the last the SE-corner (lat1, lon2). The number of points in a grid file is thus:

num_lat = (lat2 - lat1)/dlat + 1
num_lon = (lon2 - lon1)/dlon + 1

Unknown data are shown by 9999.

More information about the GRAVSOFT grid format can be found under:

Forsberg, R. and Tscherning, C. C. (2014): "An overview manual for the GRAVSOFT Geodetic Gravity Field Modelling Programs", 3. edition, August 2014


from midgard import parsers

p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="gravsoft_grid",  file_path="MeanSeaLevel1996-2014_above_Ellipsoid_EUREF89_v2021a.bin")
data = p.as_dict()


Full name: midgard.parsers.gravsoft_grid.GravsoftGrid

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading GRAVSOFT grid text files

Following data are available after reading data:

Parameter Description
griddata Grid data with ordered grid blocks as list

and meta-data:

Key Description
grid_increment_lat Latitude grid increment in degree
grid_increment_lon Longitude grid increment in degree
grid_lat_max Maximal latitude border limit of grid area in degree
grid_lat_max Maximal latitude border limit of grid area in degree
grid_lat_min Minimal latitude border limit of grid area in degree
grid_lon_max Maximal longitude border limit of grid area in degree
grid_lon_min Minimal longitude border limit of grid area in degree
data_path File path
parser_name Parser name


A parser for reading GNSS RINEX navigation file (exception GLONASS and SBAS)

Example: from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="rinex212_nav", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads GNSS data from files in the RINEX navigation file format 2.12 (see :cite:rinex2). An exception is, that this parser does not handle GLONASS and SBAS navigation messages. All navigation time epochs (time of clock (toc)) are converted to GPS time scale.

The navigation message is not defined for GALILEO, BeiDou, QZSS and IRNSS in RINEX format 2.12. In this case the RINEX 3.03 definition is used (see :cite:rinex3).


Full name: midgard.parsers.rinex212_nav.Rinex212NavParser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any])

A parser for reading RINEX navigation file

The parser reads GNSS broadcast ephemeris in RINEX format 2.12 (see :cite:rinex2).

TODO: Would it not be better to use one leading underscore for non-public methods and instance variables.


data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...).
system (String): GNSS identifier.

Methods: as_dataframe() Return the parsed data as a Pandas DataFrame as_dataset() Return the parsed data as a Midgard Dataset as_dict() Return the parsed data as a dictionary parse() Parse data parse_line() Parse line postprocess_data() Do simple manipulations on the data after they are read read_data() Read data from the data file setup_parser() Set up information needed for the parser setup_postprocessors() List postprocessors that should be called after parsing

_check_nav_message()          Check correctness of navigation message
_get_system_from_file_extension()  Get GNSS by reading RINEX navigation file extension
_parse_file()                 Read a data file and parse the content
_parse_ionospheric_corr()     Parse entries of RINEX header `IONOSPHERIC CORR` to instance variable `meta`.
_parse_leap_seconds()         Parse entries of RINEX header `LEAP SECONDS` to instance variable `meta`.
_parse_obs_float()            Parse float entries of RINEX navigation data block to instance variable 'data'.
_parse_observation_epoch()    Parse observation epoch information of RINEX navigation data record
_parse_string()               Parse string entries of SP3 header to instance variable 'meta'
_parse_string_list()          Parse string entries of RINEX header to instance variable 'meta' in a list
_parse_time_system_corr()     Parse entries of RINEX header `TIME SYSTEM CORR` to instance variable `meta`.
_rename_fields_based_on_system()  Rename general GNSS fields to GNSS specific ones
_time_system_correction()     Apply correction to given time system for getting GPS time scale


SYSNAMES = {'gnss_data_info': {'G': 'codes_l2', 'J': 'codes_l2', 'E': 'data_source'}, 'gnss_interval': {'G': 'fit_interval', 'J': 'fit_interval', 'C': 'age_of_clock_corr'}, 'gnss_iodc_groupdelay': {'G': 'iodc', 'J': 'iodc', 'E': 'bgd_e1_e5b', 'C': 'tgd_b2_b3'}, 'gnss_l2p_flag': {'G': 'l2p_flag', 'J': 'l2p_flag'}, 'gnss_tgd_bgd': {'G': 'tgd', 'J': 'tgd', 'E': 'bgd_e1_e5a', 'C': 'tgd_b1_b3', 'I': 'tgd'}}


SYSTEM_FILE_EXTENSION = {'n': 'G', 'g': 'R', 'l': 'E'}


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_SECOND = {'C': 14, 'E': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0}


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_WEEK = {'C': 1356, 'E': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0}


A parser for reading GNSS RINEX navigation file (exception GLONASS and SBAS)

Example: from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="rinex2_nav", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads GNSS data from files in the RINEX navigation file format 2.11 (see :cite:rinex2). An exception is, that this parser does not handle GLONASS and SBAS navigation messages. All navigation time epochs (time of clock (toc)) are converted to GPS time scale.

The navigation message is not defined for GALILEO, BeiDou, QZSS and IRNSS in RINEX format 2.11. In this case the RINEX 3.03 definition is used (see :cite:rinex3).


Full name: midgard.parsers.rinex2_nav.Rinex2NavParser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any])

A parser for reading RINEX navigation file

The parser reads GNSS broadcast ephemeris in RINEX format 2.11 (see :cite:rinex2).

TODO: Would it not be better to use one leading underscore for non-public methods and instance variables.


data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...).
system (String): GNSS identifier.

Methods: as_dataframe() Return the parsed data as a Pandas DataFrame as_dataset() Return the parsed data as a Midgard Dataset as_dict() Return the parsed data as a dictionary parse() Parse data parse_line() Parse line postprocess_data() Do simple manipulations on the data after they are read read_data() Read data from the data file setup_parser() Set up information needed for the parser setup_postprocessors() List postprocessors that should be called after parsing

_check_nav_message()          Check correctness of navigation message
_get_system_from_file_extension()  Get GNSS by reading RINEX navigation file extension
_parse_file()                 Read a data file and parse the content
_parse_ion_alpha()            Parse entries of RINEX header `ION ALPHA` to instance variable `meta`.
_parse_ion_beta()             Parse entries of RINEX header `ION BETA` to instance variable `meta`.
_parse_obs_float()            Parse float entries of RINEX navigation data block to instance variable 'data'.
_parse_observation_epoch()    Parse observation epoch information of RINEX navigation data record
_parse_string()               Parse string entries of SP3 header to instance variable 'meta'
_parse_string_list()          Parse string entries of RINEX header to instance variable 'meta' in a list
_parse_time_system_corr()     Parse entries of RINEX header `DELTA-UTC: A0,A1,T,W` to instance variable `meta`.
_rename_fields_based_on_system()  Rename general GNSS fields to GNSS specific ones
_time_system_correction()     Apply correction to given time system for getting GPS time scale


SYSNAMES = {'gnss_data_info': {'G': 'codes_l2', 'J': 'codes_l2', 'E': 'data_source'}, 'gnss_interval': {'G': 'fit_interval', 'J': 'fit_interval', 'C': 'age_of_clock_corr'}, 'gnss_iodc_groupdelay': {'G': 'iodc', 'J': 'iodc', 'E': 'bgd_e1_e5b', 'C': 'tgd_b2_b3'}, 'gnss_l2p_flag': {'G': 'l2p_flag', 'J': 'l2p_flag'}, 'gnss_tgd_bgd': {'G': 'tgd', 'J': 'tgd', 'E': 'bgd_e1_e5a', 'C': 'tgd_b1_b3', 'I': 'tgd'}}


SYSTEM_FILE_EXTENSION = {'n': 'G', 'g': 'R', 'l': 'E'}


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_SECOND = {'C': 14, 'E': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0}


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_WEEK = {'C': 1356, 'E': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0}


A parser for reading Rinex data


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="rinex2_obs", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads data from files in the Rinex file format 2.11 (see :cite:rinex2).


Full name: midgard.parsers.rinex2_obs.Rinex2Parser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], sampling_rate: Optional[float] = None, convert_unit: bool = False, **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX observation file

The parser reads GNSS observations in RINEX format 2.11 (see :cite:rinex2). The GNSS observations are sampled after sampling rate definition in configuration file.


convert_unit (Boolean): Convert unit from carrier-phase and Doppler observation to meter. Exception: unit conversion for GLONASS observations is not implemented. data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...). sampling_rate (Float): Sampling rate in seconds. system (String): GNSS identifier. time_scale (String): Time scale, which is used to define the time scale of Dataset. GPS time scale is used. If another time scale is given e.g. BDT, then the time entries are converted to GPS time scale. An exception is if GLONASS time scale is given, then UTC is used as time scale. Hereby should be noted, the reported GLONASS time has the same hours as UTC and not UTC+3 h as the original GLONASS System Time in the RINEX file definition.


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_TIME = {'BDT': 14, 'GAL': 0, 'IRN': 0, 'QZS': 0}


A parser for reading GNSS RINEX v3.03 navigation file (exception GLONASS and SBAS)


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="rinex3_nav", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads GNSS data from files in the RINEX navigation file format 3.03 (see :cite:rinex3). An exception is also, that this parser does not handle GLONASS and SBAS navigation messages. All navigation time epochs (time of clock (toc)) are converted to GPS time scale.


Full name: midgard.parsers.rinex3_nav.Rinex3NavParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX navigation file

The parser reads GNSS broadcast ephemeris in RINEX format 3.03 (see :cite:rinex3) except for GLONASS and SBAS.

TODO: Would it not be better to use one leading underscore for non-public methods and instance variables.


data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...).
system (String): GNSS identifier.

Methods: as_dataframe() Return the parsed data as a Pandas DataFrame as_dataset() Return the parsed data as a Midgard Dataset as_dict() Return the parsed data as a dictionary parse() Parse data parse_line() Parse line postprocess_data() Do simple manipulations on the data after they are read read_data() Read data from the data file setup_parser() Set up information needed for the parser setup_postprocessors() List postprocessors that should be called after parsing

_check_nav_message()          Check correctness of navigation message
_parse_file()                 Read a data file and parse the content
_parse_ionospheric_corr()     Parse entries of RINEX header `IONOSPHERIC CORR` to instance variable `meta`.
_parse_leap_seconds()         Parse entries of RINEX header `LEAP SECONDS` to instance variable `meta`.
_parse_obs_float()            Parse float entries of RINEX navigation data block to instance variable 'data'.
_parse_observation_epoch()    Parse observation epoch information of RINEX navigation data record
_parse_string()               Parse string entries of SP3 header to instance variable 'meta'
_parse_string_list()          Parse string entries of RINEX header to instance variable 'meta' in a list
_parse_time_system_corr()     Parse entries of RINEX header `TIME SYSTEM CORR` to instance variable `meta`.
_rename_fields_based_on_system()  Rename general GNSS fields to GNSS specific ones
_time_system_correction()     Apply correction to given time system for getting GPS time scale


SYSNAMES = {'gnss_data_info': {'G': 'codes_l2', 'J': 'codes_l2', 'E': 'data_source'}, 'gnss_interval': {'G': 'fit_interval', 'J': 'fit_interval', 'C': 'age_of_clock_corr'}, 'gnss_iodc_groupdelay': {'G': 'iodc', 'J': 'iodc', 'E': 'bgd_e1_e5b', 'C': 'tgd_b2_b3'}, 'gnss_l2p_flag': {'G': 'l2p_flag', 'J': 'l2p_flag'}, 'gnss_tgd_bgd': {'G': 'tgd', 'J': 'tgd', 'E': 'bgd_e1_e5a', 'C': 'tgd_b1_b3', 'I': 'tgd'}}


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_SECOND = {'C': 14, 'E': 0, 'G': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0}


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_WEEK = {'C': 1356, 'E': 0, 'G': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0}


A parser for reading RINEX format 3.03 data


from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse_file(parser_name="rinex3_obs", file_path=file_path)

# Get Dataset with parsed data
dset = parser.as_dataset()


Reads data from files in the RINEX file format version 3.03 (see :cite:rinex3).


Full name: midgard.parsers.rinex3_obs.Rinex3Parser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], sampling_rate: Optional[float] = None, convert_unit: bool = False, **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX observation file

The parser reads GNSS observations in RINEX format 3.03 (see :cite:rinex3). The GNSS observations are sampled after sampling rate definition in configuration file.


convert_unit (Boolean): Convert unit from carrier-phase and Doppler observation to meter. Exception: unit conversion for GLONASS observations is not implemented. data (Dict): The (observation) data read from file. data_available (Boolean): Indicator of whether data are available. file_encoding (String): Encoding of the datafile. file_path (Path): Path to the datafile that will be read. meta (Dict): Metainformation read from file. parser_name (String): Name of the parser (as needed to call parsers.parse_...). sampling_rate (Float): Sampling rate in seconds. time_scale (String): Time scale, which is used to define the time scale of Dataset. GPS time scale is used. If another time scale is given e.g. BDT, then the time entries are converted to GPS time scale. An exception is if GLONASS time scale is given, then UTC is used as time scale. Hereby should be noted, the reported GLONASS time has the same hours as UTC and not UTC+3 h as the original GLONASS System Time in the RINEX file definition. system (String): GNSS identifier.


SYSTEM_TIME_OFFSET_TO_GPS_TIME = {'BDT': 14, 'GAL': 0, 'IRN': 0, 'QZS': 0}


A parser for reading GNSS RINEX navigation files


from midgard.data import dataset
from midgard import parsers

# Parse data
parser = parsers.parse(file_path=file_path)

# Create a empty Dataset
dset = data.Dataset()

# Fill Dataset with parsed data


Reads GNSS ephemeris data from RINEX navigation file in format 2.11 (see :cite:rinex2) or 3.03 (see :cite:rinex3).


Full name: midgard.parsers.rinex_nav.get_rinex2_or_rinex3

Signature: (file_path: pathlib.PosixPath) -> 'TODO'

Use either Rinex2NavParser or Rinex3NavParser for reading orbit files in format 2.11 or 3.03.

Firstly the RINEX file version is read. Based on the read version number it is decided, which Parser should be used.


file_path (pathlib.PosixPath): File path to broadcast orbit file.


A parser for reading data from discontinuities.snx in SINEX format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='discontinuities_snx', file_path='discontinuities_snx')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads discontinuities of GNSS station timeseries in SINEX format .


Full name: midgard.parsers.sinex_discontinuities.DiscontinuitiesSnxParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, header: bool = True) -> None

A parser for reading data from discontinuties.snx file in SINEX format

The solution discontinuity dictionary has as keys the site identifiers and as value the 'solution_discontinuity' entry. The dictionary has following strucuture:

self.data[site] = { 'solution_discontinuity': [] } # SOLUTION/DISCONTINUITY SINEX block information

with the 'solution_discontinuity' dictionary entries

solution_discontinuity[ii] = [ 'point_code': point_code, 'soln': soln, 'obs_code': obs_code, 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'event_code': event_code, 'description': description ]

The counter 'ii' ranges from 0 to n and depends on how many discontinuities exists for a site. Note also, that time entries (e.g. start_time, end_time) are given as 'datetime'. If the time is defined as 00:000:00000 in the SINEX file, then the value is saved as 'None' in the Sinex class.


A parser for reading data from events.snx in SINEX format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='events_snx', file_path='events_snx')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads events related to GNSS configuration, environment changes or station timeseries data problems in SINEX format .


Full name: midgard.parsers.sinex_events.EventsSnxParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, header: bool = True) -> None

A parser for reading data from events.snx file in SINEX format

The solution events dictionary has as keys the site identifiers and as value the 'solution_event' entry. The dictionary has following strucuture:

self.data[site] = { 'solution_event': [] } # SOLUTION/EVENT SINEX block information

with the 'solution_event' dictionary entries

solution_event[ii] = [ 'point_code': point_code, 'soln': soln, 'obs_code': obs_code, 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'event_code': event_code, 'description': description ]

The counter 'ii' ranges from 0 to n and depends on how many events exists for a site. Note also, that time entries (e.g. start_time, end_time) are given as 'datetime'. If the time is defined as 00:000:00000 in the SINEX file, then the value is saved as 'None' in the Sinex class.


A parser for reading site related information from SINEX format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='sinex_site', file_path='sinex_site')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads station related information (e.g. approximated station coordinates, receiver and antenna type, station eccentricities, ...) from files in SINEX format. Following blocks are read:


Note, that FILE/COMMENT block is only used for reading reference frame information ('ref_frame'), which is added to SOLUTION/ESTIMATE dictionary.


Full name: midgard.parsers.sinex_site.SinexSiteParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, header: bool = True) -> None

A parser for reading site related information from SINEX format

site - Site dictionary, whereby keys are the site identifiers and values are a site entry dictionary with the keys 'site_antenna', 'site_eccentricity', 'site_id', 'site_receiver', 'solution_epoch' and 'solution_estimate'. The site dictionary has following structure:

      self.site[site] = { 'site_antenna':          [],  # SITE/ANTENNA SINEX block information
                          'site_eccentricity':     [],  # SITE/ECCENTRICITY block information
                          'site_id':               {},  # SITE/ID block information
                          'site_receiver':         [],  # SITE/RECEIVER block information
                          'solution_epoch':        [],  # SOLUTION/EPOCH block information
                          'solution_estimate':     [],  # SOLUTION/ESTIMATE block information

   with the site entry dictionary entries

      site_antenna[ii]      = { 'site_code':          site_code,
                                'point_code':         point_code,
                                'soln':               soln,
                                'obs_code':           obs_code,
                                'start_time':         start_time,
                                'end_time':           end_time,
                                'antenna_type':       antenna_type,
                                'radome_type':        radome_type,
                                'serial_number':      serial_number }

      site_eccentricity[ii] = { 'site_code':          site_code,
                                'point_code':         point_code,
                                'soln':               soln,
                                'obs_code':           obs_code,
                                'start_time':         start_time,
                                'end_time':           end_time,
                                'vector_1':           vector_1,
                                'vector_2':           vector_2,
                                'vector_3':           vector_3,
                                'vector_type':        UNE }

      site_id               = { 'site_code':          site_code,
                                'point_code':         point_code,
                                'domes':              domes,
                                'marker':             marker,
                                'obs_code':           obs_code,
                                'description':        description,
                                'approx_lon':         approx_lon,
                                'approx_lat':         approx_lat,
                                'approx_height':      approx_height }

      site_receiver[ii]     = { 'site_code':          site_code,
                                'point_code':         point_code,
                                'soln':               soln,
                                'obs_code':           obs_code,
                                'start_time':         start_time,
                                'end_time':           end_time,
                                'receiver_type':      receiver_type,
                                'serial_number':      serial_number,
                                'firmware':           firmware }

      solution_epochs[ii]   = { 'site_code':          site_code,
                                'point_code':         point_code,
                                'soln':               soln,
                                'obs_code':           obs_code,
                                'start_epoch':        start_epoch,
                                'end_epoch':          end_epoch,
                                'mean_epoch':         mean_epoch }

      solution_estimate[ii] = { 'param_idx':          param_idx,
                                'param_name':         param_name,
                                'point_code':         point_code,
                                'site_code':          site_code,
                                'soln':               soln,
                                'ref_epoch':          ref_epoch,
                                'unit':               unit,
                                'constraint':         constraint,
                                'estimate':           estimate,
                                'estimate_std':       estimate_std,
                                'ref_frame':          ref_frame }  # Note: ref_frame taken from
                                                                   #   FILE/COMMENT block, if exists.

   The counter 'ii' ranges from 0 to n and depends on how many antenna type, receiver type,
   antenna monument and station coordinate changes were done at each site. If the time is defined as
   00:000:00000 in the SINEX file, then the value is saved as 'None' in the Sinex class.


A parser for reading troposphere results in SNX format


The implementation is based on example output files from Bernese. The SINEX_TRO format is an extension of the regular SINEX format, but mostly uses custom blocks. The following blocks are found in the example file: +FILE/REFERENCE (defined in SINEX 2.02)
+TROP/DESCRIPTION (custom block) +TROP/STA_COORDINATES (custom block) +TROP/SOLUTION (custom block)

The format of the custom blocks are derived by reading example files and blocks defined in the format that is not present in the example files are not implemented yet.

Format description: https://files.igs.org/pub/data/format/sinex_tropo.txt


Full name: midgard.parsers.sinex_tro.BernTropSnxParser

Signature: (file_path, encoding=None)

A parser for reading data from Bernese troposphere files in SNX format


A parser for reading SLR prediction files


Reads data from files in the CPF file format as defined in http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/2006/cpf_1.01.pdf


Full name: midgard.parsers.slr_prediction.SlrPredictionParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading SLR prediction files (CPF format)


A parser for reading Spring CSV output files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='spring_csv', file_path='ADOP20473_0000.csv')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Spring CSV output format. The header information of the Spring CSV file is not read (TODO).


Full name: midgard.parsers.spring_csv.SpringCsvParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Spring CSV output files

The Spring CSV data header line is used to define the keys of the data dictionary. The values of the data dictionary are represented by the Spring CSV colum values.

Depending on the Spring CSV following dataset fields can be available:

Field Description
acquiredsat Number of acquired satellites (TODO?)
gdop Geometric dilution of precision
hdop Horizontal dilution of precision
pdop Position (3D) dilution of precision
satinview Number of satellites in view
system GNSS identifier based on RINEX definition (e.g. G: GPS, E: Galileo)
tdop Time dilution of precision
time Observation time given as Time object
usedsat Number of used satellites
vdop Vertical dilution of precision
... ...


A parser for reading data from TRF files in SSC format


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='ssc_site', file_path='ssc_site')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads station positions and velocities from TRF files in SSC format. The velocity model is a simple linear offset based on the reference epoch.


Full name: midgard.parsers.ssc_site.SscSiteParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading data from TRF files in SSC format


A parser for reading Terrapos position output file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='terrapos_position', file_path='Gal_C1X_brdc_land_30sec_24hrs_FNAV-file.txt')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Terrapos position output format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.terrapos_position.TerraposPositionParser

Signature: (*args: Tuple[Any], station: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None

A parser for reading Terrapos position output file

Following data are available after reading Terrapos position file:

Key Description
gpsweek GPS week
gpssec Seconds of GPS week
head Head in [deg]
height Ellipsoidal height in [m]
lat Latitude in [deg]
lon Longitude in [deg]
num_sat Number of satellites
pdop Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP)
pitch Pitch in [deg]
reliability_east East position external reliability in [m] #TODO: Is that correct?
reliability_height Height position external reliability in [m] #TODO: Is that correct?
reliability_north North position external reliability in [m] #TODO: Is that correct?
roll Roll in [deg]
sigma_east Standard deviation of East position in [m] #TODO: Is that correct?
sigma_height Standard deviation of Height position in [m] #TODO: Is that correct?
sigma_north Standard deviation of North position in [m] #TODO: Is that correct?

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading Terrapos residual file


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='terrapos_residual', file_path='PPP-residuals.txt')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in Terrapos residual format.


Full name: midgard.parsers.terrapos_residual.TerraposResidualParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading Terrapos residual file

Following data are available after reading Terrapos residual file:

Parameter Description
azimuth Azimuth of satellites in [deg]
elevation Elevation of satellites in [deg]
gpsweek GPS week
gpssec Seconds of GPS week
residual_code Code (pseudorange) residuals in [m]
residual_doppler Doppler residuals in [m]
residual_phase Carrier-phase residuals in [m]
satellite Satellite PRN number together with GNSS identifier (e.g. G07)
system GNSS identifier

and meta-data:

Key Description
__data_path__ File path
__parser_name__ Parser name


A parser for reading URE Control Tool CSV output files


from midgard import parsers
p = parsers.parse_file(parser_name='ure_control_tool_csv', file_path='G_GAL258_E1E5a_URE-AllPRN_190301.csv')
data = p.as_dict()


Reads data from files in URE Control Tool CSV output format. The header information of the URE Control Tool CSV file is not read (TODO).


Full name: midgard.parsers.ure_control_tool_csv.UreControlToolCsvParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading URE Control Tool CSV output files

The URE Control Tool CSV data header line is used to define the keys of the data dictionary. The values of the data dictionary are represented by the URE Control Tool CSV colum values.


A parser for reading IVS source names translation table


Full name: midgard.parsers.vlbi_source_names.VlbiSourceNamesParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> None

A parser for reading IVS source names translation table

See https://vlbi.gsfc.nasa.gov/output for an example of a IVS source name file


A parser for reading Rinex files


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex.rinex

Signature: (**parser_args: Any) -> midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.RinexParser

Dispatch to correct subclass based on Rinex file type


A parser for reading RINEX navigation files with version 2.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex2_nav.Rinex2NavParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX navigation files with version 2.xx


RINEX navigation header classes for file format version 2.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex2_nav_header.Rinex2NavHeaderMixin

Signature: ()

A mixin defining which RINEX navigation headers are mandatory and optional in RINEX version 2.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex2_nav_header.Rinex2NavHeaderParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading just the RINEX version 2.xx navigation header

The data in the rinex file will not be parsed.


A parser for reading RINEX observation files with version 2.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex2_obs.Rinex2ObsParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX observation files with version 2.xx


RINEX observation header classes for file format version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex2_obs_header.Rinex2ObsHeaderMixin

Signature: ()

A mixin defining which RINEX observation headers are mandatory and optional in RINEX version 2.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex2_obs_header.Rinex2ObsHeaderParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading just the RINEX version 2.xx observation header

The data in the rinex file will not be parsed.


A parser for reading RINEX clock files with version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_clk.Rinex3ClkParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX clock files with version 3.xx


RINEX clock header classes for file format version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_clk_header.Rinex3ClkHeaderMixin

Signature: ()

A mixin defining which RINEX clock headers are mandatory and optional in RINEX version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_clk_header.Rinex3ClkHeaderParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading just the RINEX version 3.xx clock header

The data in the rinex file will not be parsed.


A parser for reading RINEX navigation files with version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_nav.Rinex3NavParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX navigation files with version 3.xx


RINEX navigation header classes for file format version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_nav_header.Rinex3NavHeaderMixin

Signature: ()

A mixin defining which RINEX navigation headers are mandatory and optional in RINEX version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_nav_header.Rinex3NavHeaderParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading just the RINEX version 3.xx navigation header

The data in the rinex file will not be parsed.


A parser for reading RINEX observation files with version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_obs.Rinex3ObsParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading RINEX observation files with version 3.xx


RINEX observation header classes for file format version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_obs_header.Rinex3ObsHeaderMixin

Signature: ()

A mixin defining which RINEX observation headers are mandatory and optional in RINEX version 3.xx


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex3_obs_header.Rinex3ObsHeaderParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

A parser for reading just the RINEX version 3.xx observation header

The data in the rinex file will not be parsed.


A parser for reading Rinex navigation files


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex_clk.RinexClkParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

Class for defining common methods for RINEX clock parsers.


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex_clk.rinex_clk

Signature: (**parser_args: Any) -> midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.RinexParser

Dispatch to correct subclass based on version in Rinex file


A parser for reading Rinex navigation files


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex_nav.RinexNavParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

Class for defining common methods for RINEX navigation parsers.


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex_nav.rinex_nav

Signature: (**parser_args: Any) -> midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.RinexParser

Dispatch to correct subclass based on version in Rinex file


A parser for reading Rinex observation files


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex_obs.RinexObsParser

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], encoding: Optional[str] = None, logger=<built-in function print>, sampling_rate: Optional[int] = None, strict: bool = False) -> None

Class for defining common methods for RINEX observation parsers.


Full name: midgard.parsers.wip_rinex_obs.rinex_obs

Signature: (**parser_args: Any) -> midgard.parsers._parser_rinex.RinexParser

Dispatch to correct subclass based on version in Rinex file