

Matplotlib extension class


Wrapper functions around matplotlib subroutines are defined in this class.


Full name: midgard.plot.matplotext.MatPlotExt

Signature: (options: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> None

Class for plotting - Extension of matplotlib

Following options* can be selected:

Option Value Description
bar_text <True False>
bar_text_offset Define text offset for text of bar plots
bar_zeroline <True False>
colorbar <True False>
colorbar_label Color bar label
colormap Color map type for plotting either events or labels (e.g. viridis,
jet, tab10, rainbow, hsv, plasma)
dpi Resolution of file in dots per inch
ecapsize Cap size of error bar
ecapthick Cap thick of error bar
ecolor Color of error bar
edgecolor Edge color of bars of bar plots
elinewidth Line width of error bar
errorbar <True False>
figsize (num, num) Figure size given by (width, height) in inches
fontsize Fontsize of title, axis labels and legend
fsize_subtitle Fontsize of subplot title (statistical information)
grid <True False>
histogram Plot x-axis histogram on top, y-axis histogram on right or for both
axis on scatter plot
histogram_binwidth Histogram bin width
histogram_size Histogram y-axis size
legend <True False>
legend_location Legend location
legend_ncol The number of legend columns