

Midgard library module for handling of configuration settings


A Configuration consists of one or several sections. Each ConfigurationSection consists of one or more entries. Each ConfigurationEntry consists of a key and a value.


For basic use, an entry is looked up by simple attribute access. For instance if cfg is a Configuration with the section midgard which has an entry foo = bar:

>>> cfg = Configuration("config_name")
>>> cfg.update("midgard", "foo", "bar")
>>> cfg.midgard.foo
ConfigurationEntry(key='foo', value='bar')

ConfigurationEntry has several access methods that convert the entry to a given data type:

>>> cfg.update("midgard", "foo_pi", 3.14, source="command line")
>>> cfg.midgard.foo_pi
ConfigurationEntry(key='foo_pi', value='3.14')
>>> cfg.midgard.foo_pi.float
>>> cfg.midgard.foo_pi.str
>>> cfg.midgard.foo_pi.tuple


Each configuration entry records its source. That is, where that entry was defined. Examples include read from file, set as a command line option, or programmatically from a dictionary. The source can be looked up on an individual entry, or for all entries in a configuration.

>>> cfg.midgard.foo_pi.source
'command line'
>>> cfg.sources  # doctest: +SKIP
{'/home/midgard/midgard.conf', 'command line'}


Fallback Configuration:

Master Section:

Replacement Variables:

Help text and Type hints:


Full name: midgard.config.config.CasedConfigParser

Signature: (defaults=None, dict_type=<class 'dict'>, allow_no_value=False, *, delimiters=('=', ':'), comment_prefixes=('#', ';'), inline_comment_prefixes=None, strict=True, empty_lines_in_values=True, default_section='DEFAULT', interpolation=<object object at 0x7f04eb3c6f20>, converters=<object object at 0x7f04eb3c6f20>)

ConfigParser with case-sensitive keys


Full name: midgard.config.config.Configuration

Signature: (name: str) -> None

Represents a Configuration


Full name: midgard.config.config.ConfigurationEntry

Signature: (key: str, value: Any, *, source: str = '', meta: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, vars_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, _used_as: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> None


Full name: midgard.config.config.ConfigurationSection

Signature: (name: str) -> None

FMT_date (str)

FMT_date = '%Y-%m-%d'

FMT_datetime (str)

FMT_datetime = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

FMT_dt_file (str)

FMT_dt_file = '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'


Midgard library module for opening files based on a special configuration


from midgard.config import files
with files.open('eopc04_iau', mode='rt') as fid:
    for line in fid:


This module handles opening of files registered in a special configuration, typically a configuration file.

The cfg.files.open and cfg.files.open_path methods are both wrappers around the built-in open function, and behave mainly similar. In particular, they accept all the same keyword arguments (like for instance mode). Furthermore, to make sure files are properly closed they should normally be used with a context manager as in the example above.


Full name: midgard.config.files.FileConfiguration

Signature: (name: str) -> None

Configuration for handling files

path_type (TypeVar)

path_type = ~path_type