

Convenience functions for working with dates


Formats and converters that can be used for convenience and consistency.

FMT_date (str)

FMT_date = '%Y-%m-%d'

FMT_datetime (str)

FMT_datetime = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

FMT_dt_file (str)

FMT_dt_file = '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'


Full name: midgard.files.dates.date_vars

Signature: (date: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, NoneType]) -> Dict[str, str]

Construct a dict of date variables

From a given date, construct a dict containing all relevant date variables. This dict can be used to for instance replace variables in file names.


>>> from datetime import date
>>> date_vars(date(2009, 11, 2))  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{'yyyy': '2009', 'ce': '20', 'yy': '09', 'm': '11', 'mm': '11', 'mmm': 'nov', 'MMM': 'NOV', 'd': '2',
 'dd': '02', 'doy': '306', 'dow': '1', 'h': '0', 'hh': '00'}

>>> date_vars(None)


  • date: The given date.


Dictionary with date variables for the given date.


Midgard library module for handling dependencies


Stores a list of files with a hash/checksum or a timestamp that can be used to detect if a file changes.

Two strategies are available:

  • Timestamps: Fast, but not always reliable as timestamps may update without the file actually changing.
  • md5 hash/checksum: Slower, since it needs to read through the whole file, but will reliably only trigger when a file has changed.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.add

Signature: (*file_paths: Union[str, pathlib.Path], label: str = '') -> None

Add a list of files to the list of dependencies

Records the current time stamp or md5 hash of the files specified by file paths, and stores as dependencies on the dependency file.

Before adding dependencies, a call to init() has to be done, to set up where to store the dependencies.


  • file_paths: List of file paths to add to the dependency file.
  • label: Optional label for dependencies.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.changed

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], fast_check: bool = True) -> bool

Check if the dependencies have changed

Returns True if any of the files listed in the dependency file have changed, or if the dependency file itself does not exist.


  • file_path: Path to dependency file.
  • fast_check: Fast check uses timestamps, slow check uses md5 checksums.


True if any file has changed or if the dependecy file does not exist, False otherwise.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.get_md5

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str

Return a md5 checksum based on a file.


  • file_path: Path to file.


Hex-string representing the contents of the file.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.get_paths_with_label

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], label_pattern: str) -> List[pathlib.Path]

Find all paths with the given label


  • file_path: Path to dependency file.
  • label_pattern: String with label or regular expression (e.g. 'gnss_rinex_nav_[MGE]' or 'gnss_rinex_nav_.').


  • List: List of file paths.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.get_timestamp

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> str

Return a textual timestamp from the modification date of a file


  • file_path: Path to file.


String representing the modification date of the file.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.init

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], fast_check: bool = True) -> None

Start a clean list of dependencies

The file_path is to the file in which dependencies are stored. This is cached, so after init() is run, the other functions do not need to specify the file_path.


  • file_path: Path to dependency file.
  • fast_check: Fast check uses timestamps, slow check uses md5 checksums.


Full name: midgard.files.dependencies.write

Signature: () -> None

Write dependencies to file


Utilities for working with files


Full name: midgard.files.files.move

Signature: (from_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], to_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Move a file to another path

With overwrite set to True, to_path may already exist and will be overwritten without warning. Setting overwrite to False will raise a FileExistsError if to_path already exists.


  • from_path: Path of file to be moved.
  • to_path: Path file will be moved to.
  • overwrite: If True, to_path may already exist. If False, to_path will never be overwritten.


Full name: midgard.files.files.open

Signature: (file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], create_dirs: bool = False, open_as_gzip: Optional[bool] = None, **open_args: Any) -> Iterator

Open a file.

Can automatically create the necessary directories before writing to a file, as well as handle gzipped files.

With open_as_gzip set to None (default), it will try to detect whether the path is a .gz file simply by looking at the path suffix. For more control, you can set the parameter to True or False explicitly.


  • file_path: String or pathlib.Path representing the full file path.
  • create_dirs: True or False, if True missing directories are created.
  • open_as_gzip: Use gzip library to open file.
  • open_args: All keyword arguments are passed on to the built-in open.


File object representing the file.


Midgard library module, defining a URL class that mirrors Pathlib.Path

Warning: There are many intricacies of URLs that are not handled by this class at the moment.


Full name: midgard.files.url.URL

Signature: ()

Simple wrapper around String to have URLs work similar to pathlib.Path